NBSE 10th result 2017 : check Nagaland board results online

Nagaland Board of education has completed their scheduled examinations of HSLC. The students are now waiting for their result to get published. They will be glad to know that soon they will be able to check it on the official website. The board had conducted the HSLC annual tests from 15th of February  2016 till 27th now NBSE is planning to revel the Nagaland Board 10th marks on the official site.

NBSE 10th result

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NBSE 10th result 2017: check HSLC Scores online

It is expected that the Nagaland board result will be announced by May 2017, and the students seated in the exam will get their NBSE 10th marks on the official websites. Students are advised to keep their hall ticket and the registration numbers with them, as it will be needed for them in order to check their NBSE HSLC scores online.

Nagaland board is a government board which came into existence on. it is having headquarters located at Kohima which operates various activities including prescribing the course, textbook, setting up the syllabus and conducting and publishing the result of the annual board exams. Ever year the board conduct the exams in the month of March, in which a large strength of pupils marked their presence. On a similar basis, as scheduled earlier the said board had conducted the board exams in March 2017. The board had supervised the exams on various examination centres to manage the student’s attendance. NBSE had conducted the exams on the time period of two hours at the morning session. There are a large number of schools that came under the board affiliation including both private and regular. If we check the stats of previous results we can notice that it gets improved as the average percentage gets higher year by year.

How to check NBSE 10th result

The students need to follow up an online procedure. They simply need to go to the official website. On the home page, they will be getting the results section on the right-hand side. Click on this they will be getting a link which will redirect them to a new window asking their roll number and registration number. Submit it and hit the enter button. You will be able to check your scores save the pdf format and take out he print out for further use.

Later on, the school will be going to provide the original scorecard and you have to keep it to yourself for future use as this is one of the most important documents needing in university admission as well as joining the new job.

Check NBSE 10th result———> check here

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