AIIMS Recruitment 2016: Apply for 67 Junior Resident Posts

AIIMS vacancy 2016: 67 Junior Resident Recruitment Online Notification @

Getting a job is not the main thing you can receive, indeed the main thing how did you get it. In our modern world, we have to wonder getting a right job is not the easiest thing. If we analysis the stage of youth as he/she completes up the studies, we can see the level of pressure arouse automatically of finding up the right and satisfying job. There is a huge competition around us for as if somebody knocks up the company door he/she can find a large surrounding of other contenders for even a single post. This is the heights of the competition which is getting its foot large day by day. In order to  grab the opportunity, you must be the first and the best competitor to represent yourself coming forward for the opportunity. This is the best way to survive with the best pocket money and other accommodations ion this much-needed world. We can see a large number of desires as the inventions are getting much higher and higher for providing a user with a easy way of living.

AIIMS Recruitment

AIIMS Recruitment 2016 : Job Notification for Junior Resident Posts Apply For 67 Vacant Jobs/ Important Dates

The All India institute of Medical Sciences is inviting online applications forms for the interested candidates for the post of Junior Resident Those who want to apply for the 67 designations are requested to complete the formalities for AIIMS Recruitment.
AIIMS  are the most renowned group of colleges that are headed by the government of India. They are best known for illustrating the medical and engineering and Doctorate educations to the students. Every year an enormous class of students takes part in the admission procedure of AIIMS. The institutes are situated in major cities of India like Assam, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh etc. this year the institute is in a search for the aspirants to be appointed for the senior resident posts. Before applying for the AIIMS vacancy the candidate’s must read the detail notification

Academic qualities

The aspirant must be a MBBS or in respective field by a recognised university

Age Limit

The age limit for the candidate will be 30.

Application fees

For the unreserved category aspirants (general and OBC) the application payment will be Rs 1000, while for the ST, SC candidates the amount will be Rs 800/- .

How to apply for AIIMS Recruitment

Candidates may come for a walkin interview shcedule to be conducted on 16th and 17th of November 2016 at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Tatibandh, G.E.Road, Raipur (C.G.) 492099

AIIMS Junior Resident Selection procedure

The candidates have to appear  an interview procedure will commence for the selection of selected aspirants. If selected then the aspirant will be appointed at Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

Pay Scale

The  candidate once selected for the position will be paying out a package of 15600/- to Rs 39100/- with a grade pay of 6600/- .

Apply Now

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