Madras university / UNOM IDE timetable April May 2021 / arrear exams

Madras University going to announce time table for even semester exams and also arrear odd semester exams. The exam forms for 2021 are released by the University. Examination time table is scheduled twice every year i.e. November-December and the April-May semesters. So, students are now getting ready for appearing for coming exams. Aspirants belonging to […]

Bharathidasan university Timetable April May 2021 DDE UG PG

Bharathidasan University Time Table is expected by the students for the April May 2021 semester exams to download as pdf and refer for the UG and PG exams. students are majorly studying in courses such as B.A,, B.Sc,, M.Sc, MBA, Msc, MCA, M.Ed etc BDU is also popular for distance education too , […]